A Free Community Workshop for Men

Wood Turning • Bicycle repair • Vintage car restoration • Locksmithing • Woodworking and Cabinet Making • Carpentry • Painting • DIY • Metalworking • Jewelry making • Sewing • Gardening • Paper crafts • Leatherwork • Robotics • Electronics Repair • Sculpting • 3D printing • Photography • Wood carving • Fishing • Furniture Restoration • Knife and Sword Making • Auto Repair • Toy making • Musical instrument Repair • Community Projects •

Wood Turning • Bicycle repair • Vintage car restoration • Locksmithing • Woodworking and Cabinet Making • Carpentry • Painting • DIY • Metalworking • Jewelry making • Sewing • Gardening • Paper crafts • Leatherwork • Robotics • Electronics Repair • Sculpting • 3D printing • Photography • Wood carving • Fishing • Furniture Restoration • Knife and Sword Making • Auto Repair • Toy making • Musical instrument Repair • Community Projects •

215 Members

Described as workshop-type spaces containing tools and materials that men can use to make or fix things, to work on a variety of crafts, or just to tinker away, Men’s Sheds are public places for men to socialize "shoulder to shoulder" and improve our well-being.

Men’s Sheds exist around the world, with over 40 Men’s Sheds in British Columbia and 2,800 worldwide.

Who We are

All men and those who identify as men are welcome to join the Men’s Shed. And, Men’s Sheds are particularly meant to reach senior and at-risk men who may not easily make connections in their community otherwise.

  • Men who have complex needs due to aging

  • Men suffering from disabilities

  • Men suffering from depression

  • Men with other health issues

  • Men who are returning after spending time at an institutional facility

  • Immigrant men and refugees

Examples of the variety of Men we welcome include:

  • Men with social anxiety

  • Homeless men

  • Men in low socioeconomic circumstances

  • Divorced men

  • Men with addictions

  • Men who are being abused

What about Women?

Membership in a Men’s Shed is only for men and others who identify as men. Just as women’s groups and services exist because women often feel accepted when they are pre-approved on the basis of their gender, men (although they are perhaps less likely to express this) also may benefit from feeling a sense of belonging when they are exclusively surrounded by other men.

However, the Salt Spring Men’s Shed is on the lookout for a female organizer who is passionate about starting a Women’s Shed at a different location. The Salt Spring Men’s Shed is ready to offer support and resources, including help with organization, administration, network building, funding, promotional activities, and more. The organizer will need to find the specific location for the Women’s Shed.

Anyone interested in this opportunity is encouraged to get in touch with the Salt Spring Men’s Shed for further information and aid in setting up a Women’s Shed.

It’s worth mentioning that the Salt Spring Men’s Shed is already lending support to someone working on establishing a Women’s Shed in Duncan, and is aware of multiple other thriving Women’s Sheds that have been established elsewhere.

Lastly, there is a shared workspace available to both men and women at the former Middle School, The Space: SSI Community Resilience Hub, for those interested.

Equity and Diversity

The Salt Spring Men’s Shed is intended to be inclusive of all population groups among men. No distinction will be made based on:

  • Race, colour, or ethnic background;

  • Religious beliefs or practices;

  • Ancestry, including among individuals from Indigenous groups;

  • Place of origin;

  • Citizenship, including refugee status;

  • Sexual orientation;

  • Disability; or

  • Age.

Membership is Free

To create a barrier-free space, Membership in the Salt Spring Men’s Shed is free of charge.

To cover the cost of operations the Men’s Shed generates income in several ways:


We are grateful for the ongoing support of our partners who help ensure the success of a Salt Spring Men’s Shed:


The Salt Spring Men's Shed is made possible thanks to the generous funding received from the following organizations:

The Men’s Shed is registered as a society affiliated with the Nanaimo Men’s Resource Centre (charity 876952110 RR0001).

Income from Donations

The Salt Spring Men’s Shed relies on generous donations from members and residents.

Income from the Sale of Donated Tools and Materials

Like other Men’s Sheds, a partial source of funding comes from the sale of items donated by members or people in the community downsizing or just cleaning house. We offer to pick up these items and repair or refurbish them for resale. Contact us to donate tools.

Income from Selling Crafts and Services

The Men’s Shed undertakes projects for the community. Some generate items to be sold, some are on "contract", some are done for cookies, and some will be entirely free and result in a spontaneous donation.

Examples include: constructing birdhouses, picnic tables, docks, greenhouses, sheds, furniture, and boardwalks; repairing or refurbishing household appliances; repairing and maintaining outboard motors; installing ramps and wheelchair lifts; and removing snow.

A Well-Worked Shed

Creative Space

Although woodworking is probably the foremost activity at a Men’s Shed, it is by no means the only one. Members also work on various other handicrafts, such as metalworking, jewelry-making, electronics, leatherwork, or toy-making.


Arguably even more important than the creative space is a sitting area to accommodate members and visitors. There, they can engage in conversation, have a cup of coffee, or play a card game.

Special Events

Periodically, the Salt Spring Men’s Shed hosts special events. These may include:

  • BBQ lunches for members and non-members;

  • Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners to bring more isolated citizens out;

  • Men’s Health and Well-being events; and

  • Courses for men who live alone and lack the necessary life skills in meal preparation or household maintenance, such as after the death of a spouse.

Many events are open to the entire public.

Health and Wellbeing

Men’s Sheds reduce the demand for other senior-focused and institutional living services, with Men’s Shed members becoming healthier overall and extend their ability to live independently.

Health Benefits

In literature for health practitioners, Men’s Sheds are recognized for their positive and therapeutic aspects. They are included in the national health strategies of countries such as Australia and Ireland.

Participants benefit through:

  • Opportunities for conversation and comradeship;

  • Physically and mentally activity and distraction from pains;

  • Regaining a sense of purpose;

  • Increasing feelings of competency;

  • Learning and passing on skills;

  • Developing a willingness to improve their help-seeking behaviours;

  • Feeling useful; and

  • Being in a socially supportive environment.

Membership in a Men’s Shed can break down the social isolation and stigma that are associated with various health conditions. Men can discuss their concerns with other men and find information about illnesses, community resources, and support services. A key areas of education and/or prevention is cognitive brain health ― participation in a Men’s Shed stimulates the senses, mind, and memory. "Use it or lose it."

Social Benefits

As men participate in a Men’s Shed, they strengthen their social skills:

  • Interacting with others in the Men’s Shed can improve mens’ ability to form social relationships: for example, helping a new member integrate by partnering him with someone who has been a member for a longer time.

  • Talking about personal issues fosters men’s ability to be supportive of their friends, spouses, and other family members.

  • Members form relationships that extend outside Shed hours; these might involve regular phone calls, or visits to check up on those who are at home or in a hospital.

  • Being in an environment that includes men of all backgrounds helps men to develop or advance their sensitivity to people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.

Men’s Sheds in other regions have also started Tool Libraries, delivered hospital beds, and repaired furniture.

Moreover, family members who are concerned about their husbands’, fathers’, and brothers’ quality of life can find respite as their relatives discover a daytime activity, comradeship, and support outside the home.